My recent re-edits

Time to see how I ruined all my photos.

Hello friends,

After spending weeks on the editing dungeon I think I’m finally ready to share my photos again.

A milk tea place at night.

These are my favorite photos with re-edits of all the raws of my fuji eras… plus a few extras…

Well, one actually. This photo of a monk is probably one of the few shots I took before my fuji journey that I still liked.

Probably one of my favorite shots ever, “remastered”

Frankly I was reluctant to share these for a while, since I kept going back trying to “perfect” them. Or I’d hate them and want to redo everything, really. But you cant live in the past forever I suppose. There are more photos to be made.

Foggy countryside morning

I still miss the Fuji colors and sims tbh. I know I can still edit my photos in LR with those base sims if I like, but I did want to move on from it so that my work from other cameras can have a more cohesive look, whatever that means.

This shot that I edited is, for the most part just Reggie’s Portra colors (I have other photos of this scene with that recipe, and colors are pretty much the same). I guess that’s a testament on how good Fuji sims and recipes can be.

Anyways, I still use presets as a base for these edits, so… yeah, total poser and fraud here.

Something like Vintage Kodachrome is what I wanted to do with my photos for a long time. It’s an unique look that’s not really replicable with in camera recipes.

I used the RNI presets for a decent chunk of these photos, which I do like a lot (no affiliation, sadly. I’d gladly take a big bag of money to endorse them 😏). For a lot of my daytime photos, I want this 2 looks of: 1. Basically vintage kodachrome, like the ones you’d see in the 60s and 70s (photo above) and 2. purple expired film (photo below), and the presets in this pack worked very well as a starting point for me.

This one is from a new shoot actually. I used this look on a lot of this shoot and I really dig the result. Feels like the photos of Vietnam in the 80s and 90s I used to see a lot, which is totally the vibe I want to achieve.

There’s this “Kodak Vision 3 500T” look that I kinda built though (after ripping off a bunch of ideas from a bunch of Youtube videos), since I love the look and I finally have all the tools to do it. I’m quite pleased with the result.

I love how this shot is just ripping off the composition of Ed Hopper’s Nighthawks.

Funnily enough, the more recent the shots, the better I tended to like them. Probably because of the evolution of taste. Some shot did stood the test of time though (most didn’t. I hate most of my old photos).

I mean that’s good, I guess? Means I’m growing 🤷.

A river in Jiuzhaigou.

Anyways, the most beneficial part of editing my photos from scratch again is I can dodge, burn and really fine tune the photos so I can get the results I wanted. I’ve been settling into this new workflow and I quite like it. I also don’t really have to mess around with filters anymore (which frankly annoys me a lot, carrying and changing filters and bringing a bunch of step up rings for different lenses), when most filters can be replicated quite easily in post anyways.

Editing really brings out the drama in the sky of this photo I took.

Oh and I seemed to be adding more and more faux grain to my photos. Living up to the name I suppose. I think it’s at a point that sometimes you probably wouldn’t be able to distinguish my “40mps real camera photos” and my “10mps 1/2.3” digicam photos”.


Which is… good, I guess? Does that sounds sacrilegious? 😂 I still like clean and sharp and more than 3 stops of dynamic range, sometimes anyways. Just felt like the photos I have been taking didn’t call for that.

Hotel lounge in the morning

My old “digicam” photos was even more blurry and contrasty and grainy than this (which I guess I haven’t shared those with you yet). Maybe this is finally the convergence of the 2 styles I’ve been shooting.

One of my old “digicam” photos that I liked and edited like this. Can’t tell you which ones though since I’ve had so many over the years. It might be one of the old canon ixus, or a ricoh gr digital (the old one with tiny sensors), or a fuji xq1. Too lazy to find out which one it was though 🤷.

Oh and I can also integrate the “Aerochrome” look into my work more easily now. Don’t have to wash that over a jpeg file anymore. RNI film presets have a bunch of built in Aerochrome looks too which is nice. I like the look, but I’m still finding the occasions that it makes sense to use it. We’ll see I guess.


I’m still looking to built a few other “looks”, and by built I mean stealing other people’s ideas and ripping off the style 🙂. Something bright, saturated, nostalgic, grainy (obviously), probably cool and green, like a Fuji stock (Basically something like this shot from this grainydaddy’s video 😏 which was shot on Fuji Industrial 100).

Something that feels like an old landscape painting you might find in a hotel, I guess is the vibe.

… And that’s it.

I think that’s a wrap on living in the past. From now on it’s just new shots, probably. My photography recently has been dripping in sauce or something. Maybe it’s just in my head, or just maybe the shoot first, edit later approach has allowed me to focus more on the environment and seemly compose better photos. I’m quite excited to show you the results soon.

As always, subscribe to the newsletter if you haven’t to see more mediocre photos and read my ramblings.

I’ll start posting more on Instagram and Threads again soon (hopefully anyways…), so check that out if you’d like. Threads seem like the place for shorter stories that I don’t want to write a whole post for, so I want to post on that more often.

Morning on the train. This edit really brings out my love for this shot.



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