quick update

Hello friends,

Since leaving the Fuji film sims behind, I’ve been on this seemingly endless quest to make a few “perfect” looks for my photos. It’s been quite a headscratcher, really. I’d wake up one day and look at my photos and thinking to myself, “well these are all shit”. And then I’d probably flip through my whole catalog trying to re edit everything again.

Usually the only edits I’m 100% sure about is the black and white ones. I think I pretty much figured out what I like here.

In the end it kinda was necessary anyways. I was shooting with points and shoots a bunch again, and so I don’t have to treat my fuji photos differently.

Such is the life of digital photography, I guess. Both a blessing and a curse. It’s a blank canvas, which you can pretty much do anything you want. The recipes were nice in this regard, that there’s “some sort” of finality, but it’s just the looks that still leave something to be desired, sadly. Maybe I should just, idk, shoot film again 🤷. Not sure if it’s ever for me though, since I do prefer the convenience of digital. Film prices doesn’t help 😂.

There are a few “looks” that I seem to like and keep coming back to. Hopefully it means that I’m finally close to finding something to settle on.

So I guess that’s the excuse for me for not posting anything lately, I guess 🤷. Oh and the weather has been quite shit here in Hanoi the last few weeks, and it’s going to get worse next month. It’s just too cold and wet most of the time, which kinda saps out any desires for me to go shoot anything 🤷.

I was going to try to be at least a bit more active on the Gram, but their latest change to the profile (square to vertical grid) has been a headscratcher for me too, since I mainly shoot horizontal and I have been putting those shitty white border to deal with the square grid, and now everything looks kinda fucked 🤷.

The Lunar New Year was here as well, which is quite a busy few weeks for most Vietnamese, and that left me quite little time to focus on photography. I did manage to take this shot on the first day of new year though, which I love. Hopefully it will bless a year of shooting bangers 👌.

First day of Lunar Year 2025

With all that said, it feels like this quiet period of mine, not posting anything, has actually been pretty beneficial to my photography. I spend a lot of time editing, contemplating my photos and the feelings I want to evoke with them. That has seemingly made the subsequent shots I take quite a bit better. Guess that means growth 🙂. The best shots are the ones you’re yet to take, something like that 🤷.

During this period, I’ve been taking photos on and off, here and there, mostly with my point-and-shoots. Some I quite like. I’ll probably write a post about my points and shoot soon, when I get off my lazy ass 🤦.

Took this photo with a Canon g9x on my short walk home from some errands. It was beautiful golden hour after days of cold bleak weather, and I manage to snatch this Hopper-esque composition. Can’t describe how much I love this shot.

I’ve also been organizing my photos, and it seems like a few certain themes kept coming up, which is also good I suppose. Feels like direction.

I actually want to make a few videos as a mean to display my photos the way I like now. Just simple stuff, some music and texts to set the mood, and the photos nothing fancy. Kinda like my personal “galleries” of sort. So stay tuned for that maybe.

Damn this guy is all promise and no deliver 😂.

And… I guess that’s it.

As always, subscribe to the newsletter to see more mediocre photos. Check out my Instagram/Threads if you’re into that shit.

Until next time,


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